Friday, March 13, 2009

Spring has arrived!

Quince blossoms 26Feb09
Originally uploaded by love_yellow
Yes, another spring entry because I'm so happy it has finally arrived! It was a long winter.

These quince blossoms are always the first to herald in the spring season in my backyard. I can't help but to feel a sense of being uplifted, a fresh start and some motivation. All the things that have dragged me down all winter... the extra weight, the anxieties about the economy, you know... all that yuck, is starting to lift and I'm starting to feel hopeful that everything will get better... like a new year is starting.

And coincidentally enough, tomorrow is my birthday which means it really is a new year (for me anyway) and I'm going to put last year far behind and make this year a good one! :-)

I'm thankful to the salmon-pink quince blossoms for being so dependable... returning every year and giving me that feeling of renewal.


  1. Hello my friend! Good to read your blog. I find you always have an interesting point of view.

    Keep on blogging! :)

  2. What a lovely photo! Those flowers are beautiful, they remind me of those sugar flowers that they put on professional cakes!
