Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Nutritional Gatekeeper

Did you see last week's article in the New York Times, Who's Cooking? (For Health, It Matters)?

Here's an excerpt:
"Studies show that the biggest influence on family eating habits is the person who buys and prepares the food. These “nutritional gatekeepers,” as researchers call them, influence more than 70 percent of the foods we eat, according to a 2006 report in The Journal of the American Dietetic Association — not just home meals but children’s lunches, snacks eaten outside the home, and even what family members order at restaurants."

I am definitely the "Nutritional Gatekeeper" in my household because I do the grocery shopping and prepare/cook the food. I do my best to prepare a variety of healthy meals that are pleasing to the palate, but not necessarily fancy or pretty.

It's interesting that the article goes on to make the point that the Nutritional Gatekeeper influences a family's eating habits and can pass on both good and bad habits to children. It makes sense.


  1. I totally agree. Have a look at how many parents who buy terrible food have fat kids. Obvious example but it's true. A kids nutritional intake is 90% provided by the gatekeeper, so feed them right and they'll be healthy.

    Have a look here for a few examples of terrible diets, but also some moms who are trying to feed properly:

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. blue: It saddens me when I see parents do that. Don't they care enough about their children to change their habits? Do they really want to perpetuate the bad habits onto the next generation?

    It's one thing to make bad choices for themselves and become unhealthy but feeding their children unhealthy food almost seems like abuse - because they cause their own children to be unhealthy.
